Round Two

After only a two-week absence, COVID returned to our household. This time my wife has it.  It is a miracle it took this long for her to catch it.  She mixes with a reckless number of people and groups every week.  Her symptoms have been mild so far.

I am slowly working through my new PC configuration and resolving issues.  I think the 3070 Graphics card I got for it is faulty.  On random days one or more of the 4K screens attached to it will flicker off for half a second, every half a minute or so. There are no error messages to be found.  A restart or removing and replacing the cable will generally resolve it for a day or three, but then it will return.  Since I am using two cards and six monitors, I have plenty of options to swap cables and screens and the ports I am using.  Still – it is an awkward problem to get technical support on.  I am going to test the system with a 3060Ti I picked up today – which will eventually make its way into my Daughter’s PC.

I am still not logging into EVE – and articles like this makes that an easy state to remain in.

When CCP introduced structures, they made some assertions regards their safety and usability.  Since then, they have been nerfing them over and over, making them easier and more profitable to kill, and harder to defend.  CCP calls them “improvements”.  They were meant to be suitable for Solo use – and I went through the process of building, anchoring and using some of them, but it was borderline if it was suitable.  That was many iterations ago – now you would be foolish to use them solo.

Still, I am trying to gather up some enthusiasm for what might be announced at Fan Fest, but the talk of NFTs, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, pay to earn and so on fills me an with an overflow of Meh.  Somewhat more interesting are comments about a UI unification project, and a Feature Preview system. 

One thought on “Round Two

  1. I managed to anchor and run a raitaru in hisec as a solo player with no issues. It was profitable too. It all depends on where you anchor it and what you intend to do with it. I was making isk producing T2 rigs and modules though.

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