Command Bursts

Seems a while since we have seen much from the CCP Devs, but their most recent blog on the suggested changes to Command Links and Fleet boosting is a big one.

I assume there are probably some glaring holes somewhere, but the gist of the idea seems really good to me.  I also appreciated the level of detail in the blog.

Quick Change of Fortunes

You get a very different story out of your PVP in World of Warships than what you get out of EVE.

I had two recent battles which took what I thought was good appropriate game play, and tossed me to the bottom rankings for each fight.



The first was on the Fault Line map in my Tier IV Kuma, a Japanese Light Cruiser I have only recently started to use. (Not to great effect I have to admit.) It was a standard two base domination battle. I spawned to the south west and was glad to see a couple Destroyers near me, relieving me of the requirement to be a forward scout.

There was no in game chat or plans mentioned, so I trailed the two Destroyers as they headed towards the western side of the map – to provide them covering fire. We were joined by a second Light Cruiser, and oddly by a third Destroyer. The heavier ships in our squad all headed towards the east of the map. (Probably annoyed they had no Destroyers in front of them.)

Our little flotilla quickly ran into a couple enemy Destroyers with two Cruisers in support. I did not pay attention to which type of Cruisers – my knowledge in that area is still poor, but I noticed they out ranged me by a couple kilometers.

I dropped shells on the enemy Destroyers as they ducked and weaved in and out of visibility, putting pressure on them as they skirmished with our Destroyers. Carefully avoiding torpedoes and constantly changing direction to avoid the shells falling from the Cruisers, we made the damaged enemy Destroyers fall back with little damage taken by us. We then advanced forward towards the Cruisers, who with a long island at their back had limited maneuvering options.

I was carefully and erratically zigging and zagging as I approached. The enemy fire falling everywhere but on me. Just as I was getting into my main gun range I did a quick look around for situational awareness. I noticed the other light Cruiser was passing me – heading forward in a straight line. I chuckled to myself as I labelled him Rickon Stark; then boom, detonation! I went from near full hits at 22K to 0 Hit points in one enemy salvo. All my considered game play ended with me at the bottom of the battle rankings having had little statistical impact on the game.


The second battle was on that awkward Solomon Islands map. It was my first outing in the US Tier II Destroyer Sampson, which on paper had no redeeming features and a horrible torpedo range. I was hoping to spawn on either side of the map to give myself some chance to get familiar with the ship, but I found myself in the south side of the map closest to the horrid straights between the main islands. I had no choice but to head in that direction – which meant I was obviously not going to last long.

Thankfully the Solomon’s slow acceleration and low top speed meant that I did not even get close to capture point B before our opponents reached it. I circled outside the straight a couple of times, sending some wild torpedoes in just in the unlikely event someone popped their noses though and into their measly range. Smartly the enemy stayed back, thumbing their noses at me.

I knew there were at least two enemy Destroyers and a Cruiser in the straights. Another Destroyer in my team entered the straights from the opposite side, but immediately ran into withering fire and was dispatched. His torpedoes did however manage to take out one of the opponent’s Destroyers, and had caused the other two ships to move off their stations.

Taking the opportunity with this (mild) disarray, I charged forward. Well, more accurately I sort of chugged slowly across the bottom of the straight. I was met by the second enemy Destroyer who did a parallel run to me, obviously firing off his torpedoes before opening up with his guns. I knew with my straight direction and inability to maneuver with the island immediately on my Port side, that I would be an easy target. Timing it as well as I could I dropped smoke, stopped my engines, and fired two torpedoes at the Destroyer (to help push him away), and two at the Cruiser who was up against one shore. I hoped the enemy’s torpedoes would harmlessly pass in front of me and I could then move forward and make my escape.

A cunning plan with what I had available to me – except I had not taken into account the other Destroyer Captain’s horrendous aim. I knew from the angle of the torpedoes as they approached that he had fired them right at the start of his turn, before I had popped smoke or stopped. If he had aimed correctly they would have sailed safely past in front of me, but instead all 4 of his close spread Torpedoes hit me midships as I came to a stop. That left me sunk – and because my Torpedoes did not hit anything, again statistically insignificant and at the bottom of the battle’s rankings. If I had of just sailed on I would likely have escaped the straights. I had taken on lessons learnt in previous games, and ended up too smart for my own good.

I’m not sure that makes for interesting reading, but the outcome of the battles stuck with me with a cut and thrust you just don’t tend to get in EVE PVP. You make more decisions in World of Warships, especially around your maneuvering and position behind cover, and the battles feel like they have – on the smaller scale, much more drama to them. EVE PVP can be agricultural in comparison, particularly given how often it is one sided.

Of course, unless I re-read my blog later, I will soon forget these battles as their story is replaced by different versions of the same, day after day. EVE PVP however – particularly at the infrequent rate I partake, seems to leave an impression that can last years. I assume it must be a mix of the risk involved, the relative rarity of it, and the commonly long preparation required before hand.  It is not just pressing a battle button and waiting a minute for a fight to start.

The Shakes

I’ve mentioned before that I struggle both mentally and physically with the stress of PVP in EVE – through anxiety and essential tremors.

I have had mild to moderate shakes in World of Warships in some battles, and become befuddled in some close quartered stressful encounters, but for the most part my reactions are nothing like in EVE.

There are lots of obvious reasons. The cost of losing a battle in both time and game assets is relatively minimal in World of Warships. It is easy and quick to line up for a battle, where you repeat the same basic scenarios over and over allowing a level of comfortable familiarity. The map, zoomed out views and basic 2D nature of the environment (aside height of islands) makes it much easier to maintain situational awareness. Your encounters are relatively balanced. You generally have time to think about what you are doing, and even in flimsy ships get an extra chance or two to adjust your tactics before you die. Interestingly I think the basic keyboard controls also makes it a much easier game to PVP in – where as in EVE I can find it difficult when under stress to navigate menu trees and click on small line entries on the overview.

It is not however some utopic PVP game for the shake challenged.

For me I can be entirely self-aware of my anxiety over something, be consciously relaxed, prepared, breathing well, eating well, sleeping well, yet – despite how I am feeling mentally, still get slammed by the physical anxiety reaction. I tend to need balanced and repeated exposure to such things to build up an overall comfort level.

I have found it very hard in EVE to achieve that – it is difficult to access PVP in a consistent and timely manner. In World of Warships however it is actually easy to access PVP that way. Instead I find I hit the other side of the exposure spectrum.

I carry around a certain capacity to cope with a situation. With that careful exposure I mentioned before I can increase that capacity over time. Conversely, if don’t get that exposure or fall out of the habit of it, that capacity dwindles. What I have found with World of Warships is that the repeated exposure can at times use up my coping capacity. I can find myself hit with sudden mild dread at starting yet another battle, or end up shaking more the longer I play in a session.

Oh Who Cares

As of writing this I’ve now ran 25 PVP battles in World of Warships. (Maybe the NPC Destroyers made life too dangerous in PVE?) After an initial run of being on the winning teams I’ve quickly fallen into the average 50/50-win loss ratio. The dangling hook has gone, seemingly around the time when I purchased a month of premium time on my account. (Or maybe more accurately when I hit the level that allowed me to start fitting ship upgrades.)

You can keep track of my sad exploits here:

I’ve stuck to Light Cruisers and Destroyers, so have seen my role as scouting out the opponents and moving around the capture points. I have a tendency to die early during the reconnaissance stages, as I push myself to be more aggressive than my nature would normally dictate. When two destroyers suddenly see each other at 6km, closing at a combined 70+ knots, things get messy quickly. If I get past that initial stage however I’ll often end up in the top 2 or 3 of the team, making worthwhile contributions. Several times I’ve been able to hero a win solo.

The interaction with other players is different than in EVE.

There is very little coordination or chat at the level I am operating in. So little that I don’t habitually watch for it. I have only had a single match where someone gave me authoritative requests that made sense and that I followed. On occasion a team will all move as if everyone knows what they are doing, and will usually win by a large margin. Mostly however the teams are a bit haphazard, with a wide range of skills, aggressiveness and levels of common sense. It is not unusual for a game to be decided by 2 or 3 players just falling quietly into a supportive group and working well together while the rest stumble around on their own. I expect that will change in higher tiers.

It is a surprisingly solo type of game so far – where you certainly work as a team, but on your own (better or worse) terms.

I have noticed disparaging remarks in chat thrown my way, although relatively few. It is the sort of thing that might have embarrassed and rattled me, but I have actually found I really don’t care. I’ve never noticed someone calling me out for the many stupid things I have done – instead it will be because I ignored their demands or they didn’t like the position I was in. If I spawn outside capture point C, I’m not going to cross the map because some random battleship Captain outside of capture point A yells. As for my positioning, there is always a reason I am where I am on the map. I might be capturing, I might be keeping opponents detected, I might be following advice I saw on YouTube. Often I will just be repositioning to try and get out from under heavy fire. I’ve won a couple of games by heading in the opposite direction of everyone else and capturing an undefended base.

I am sure I am making lots of less than ideal decisions. I haven’t played the game for a week yet. Mostly however nothing is said. For what little abuse I have noticed, I am finding in World of Warships – as in life, that the louder and more obnoxious a person is, the less they seem to know what they are talking about anyway.

I wonder if the game attracts an older group of players – as the battles tend to be slower paced and somewhat more tactical in nature? If you make a hash of your attack you can sit around for 30 seconds or more before you can fire again. Surely that wouldn’t please a younger age group?  I am not surprised a type of EVE player enjoys the game.

I noticed the other day you can rate other players in a match – it seemed simplistic, just a couple of positive or negative choices such as was helpful or abusive. I wonder if that impacts the battle match maker system? It is not like EVE where you can send an EVE Mail or follow the same person around abusing them. I expect there are probably forums and webpages where people try to shame other Warship players, but since the matches are random it is not like you will regularly be running into the same people. Having just said that – looking at this site it suggests the population of the server I have to use – Asia, tends to be relatively low:

Maybe I will be crossing paths with the same people over and over.

I know it might sound corny, but the main reason I have been less bothered by other people’s reactions is because I know I am doing my best. I take note of my ships statistics, what are the ranges of my weapon systems and detection. I try to follow the role of my ship, but adjust my tactics as well as I can to suit the other ships around me. I try to fit in with what other team members are doing, I focus my fire, and I am mindful of tunnel vision so am always keeping an eye on the objective. In the 50 odd matches I’ve played in total, I don’t recall ever hitting another team member with torpedoes or gun fire, and have only once given the mildest of grazes when I hit someone for a few points of damage. If that is not good enough for another player, then tell someone who cares. There is a level of liberation and freedom in that mindset.


The Tier III Wakatake Destroyer – a ship on paper that should be less fun than the Tier II Umikaze – but isn’t.

PVE Match Making

I ran 27 PVE battles in World of Warships – half to get used to the game, then one each time I started to use a new hull to get a feel for it before I went up against other players.

I expect that is probably more than the average person does.  It relates to the “not embarrassing myself too much” goal I mentioned the other day.

That uncomfortable need to prepare myself has now waned, and I don’t expect I will run a PVE battle again.

The PVE Battles themselves tend to be relatively easy. The main core of NPCs would generally run through the middle while a couple small groups would move down either flank. Most players rushed in concentrating on the core group, resulting in a close quarters blood bath with some friendly fire, but ultimately overwhelm it with superior numbers.  The flanking ships would then move in and be more easily dispatched. The games were then over.

Generally the NPC AI was easily beat – I think mainly as it operated with less self preservation than a player would.  I will say that I found the NPC Destroyers at my level of experience / tier to be more dangerous than player controlled Destroyers. While scouting the flanks I found they would appear at full speed 6km away, zigging and zagging to minimise the damage you could throw against them. Mere seconds later they would release an accurate close range torpedo spread against you, followed up by a second, also accurate spread. It didn’t seem to matter how you twisted and turned, or what acrobatics you managed to perform, you’d find yourself the first casualty of the game, sinking with little opportunity to fire off your own ordinance.

I know it sounds very arbitrary, but I wonder if a PVE match making system might be an interesting addition to the new player experience in EVE? Start people out in pre-fit loan ships if required – but get them exposed to the idea of flying in a fleet and working together.


I’m now an expert in World of Warships.

I’ve played 25 battles (9 ending in my sinking), with a positive destruction ratio (I sink half as much as my enemies do) and a high team victory rates.  I have millions in credit – which seems to be thrown at you each time you level up, and I had no problem quickly and easily researching the first few ship tiers and their modules.

But of course I am not an expert – and never will be. I just don’t play games that way. No – what Wargaming (the publishers of World of Warships / Tanks / Warplanes) seems to be doing is manipulating my experiences to hook me into the game.

Some steps are obvious – giving you enough cash that you can thoughtlessly buy all the initial upgrades and initial ships as you research them. It ensures the game doesn’t start out feeling like a big grind, even on a non-premium account. From reading other articles, I also expect the game’s match making system might help make you feel like a winner in the very early stages of playing. I know that will change dramatically moving forward.

What does EVE do to hook you in? I’ve played the game for almost 10 years now – and even if I roll up a new Alt I won’t ever have a truly new player experience again. I know new players get more ship hulls and ISK at the start now. I get the gist there is an effort to get people to accede inevitable loss from the start – sort of making you accept feeling like a loser instead of a winner.

The initial fitting options and path in World of Warships is limited, simple, and easy to follow.  There is a learning curve, but it doesn’t feel particularly daunting.  EVE’s initial fitting options is just so much richer, although constrained by the need for knowledge, skill training and ISK. I wouldn’t want to lose that, but it might be useful for early tutorials to step players through the options more.

One random example. Get a new player to fly a frigate with no propulsion module, then an Afterburner, then a Microwarp Drive, to compare the results. Next give them the challenge of getting their frigate to fly above a certain speed. Maybe make it a multiple level mission – start out with a speed they can meet with a MWD, then a higher speed they need upgrade modules for, then a higher speed again they might need to rig for and have certain skills trained.

I also like some of the tool tips in World of Warships.  You can see the impact of an upgraded module or hull just by hovering over them.

It might be my natural level of cynicism, but I know most of the more popular games I’ve played in recent years have very obvious hooks. They entertain you, let you feel like you are progressing, let you win more than lose, show you interesting upgrades, entice you to spend money, and once they have you hooked – they switch to keeping you playing and paying for as long as possible.  It will be interesting to see what CCP do with their new player experience moving forward.

Second Step


I took my second step in World Of Warships – my first all player battle.  I felt somewhat conspicuous towards the end as the numbers dwindled – assuming people were more than likely spectating on my ship.  (I’m not sure what happens if you quit a battle early – do you get your rewards?  Do you have to wait around for the end as I have been to get them?)  Some reasonable tactical decisions, unusually straight shooting and plenty of luck saw me come out as the last man standing.

That battle was rather exciting – although not with the same PVP shakes I tend to get in EVE.  I think that comes down to feeling like you have more situational awareness and more time to think.  It also doesn’t really cost you anything of note.  I know my underlying goal at this point is just not embarrassing myself.  I don’t say that flippantly, I mean it.  It is the source of much of my anxiety.

I’ll probably talk about the game for a bit – but reflecting on it in comparison to EVE and what I might, or might not learn from it.

First Step



After months of watching YouTube videos I finally installed World of Warships yesterday.  This was my very first battle with other players (against NPCs).  A good start – but it went comfortable down from there.  (Literally with ships sinking.)  I’ve had 7 matches and only sunk one other ship since.  It has taken a little while to adjust settings to stop some client stuttering and freezes – not that those caused my demises.  The tactics used by the other players are different than the more skilled players I’ve been watching on YouTube.  Most seem to take the most direct routes in a mad bunch and get into manic brawls.  I flank and carefully pick where I will thread through islands – but that means both missing much of the action and running solo into the NPC ships also flanking, which have tended to be much heavier hulls.  If I am not stopped I have managed to do plenty of the capturing.  Most pleasingly I haven’t managed to damage another player yet or run into an Island.  That will come…

Go towards the light

Using the Stratios in Hi-sec is substantially more rewarding financially than the Legion.  Being able to access most of the combat sites makes a big difference.





In a recent exploration run I picked up 150M ISK in just over 30 minutes across three sites.  While that is unusually good for Hi-Sec, if I was in the Legion (or any other T3) none of it would have been accessible.

Corsair K95 RGB keyboard mini-review

I’ve used a Logitech 710+ keyboard for almost 3 years. It is mechanical with Cherry MX Brown switches and has 6 programmable keys along its left edge, which I used day to day for things such as closing windows or moving forward and backwards between browser tabs, and options such as select all for in EVE. It is probably the longest I have ever used a keyboard, but it was starting to show its age with a glitch here and there and a couple loose keys.

I recently looked around for a replacement, but Logitech did not offer anything exactly the same and neither did the myriad of other brands. I ended up getting a Corsair K95 RGB keyboard – also with Cheery MX Brown switches but with 18 programmable keys along its left edge.


The K95 is a very solid weighty keyboard which doesn’t flex or readily move in normal use. The lack of flex was its first negative. I use a 15 year old desk with a return. There is a very slight height variation between them – a fraction of a millimeter. I could straddle the Logitech keyboard across this, but the stiffer Corsair rocks slightly when used in the same position.

A little surprisingly, the Corsair keyboard fits within the same footprint of the Logitech, so does not use extra desk space. It fits 2 extra columns of keys into that footprint, which makes it feel a little squishy in comparison to the Logitech. I am still not used to this after two weeks, so my typing accuracy still suffers, and my hands are more likely to ache after a long day of typing.

I do like the design of how the keys sit on the back plate. It makes it much easier to clean away crumbs and what not. Having said that, the matt surface on the keys tends to show up your finger prints more.

The keys themselves are louder and feel heavier than the Logitech, but some of that might just be due to the age of the older keyboard.

While I did not need 18 programmable keys, I figured I would set them up like the old Razer Nostromo Game Pad I still used for Dungeon and Dragons Online. While it certainly works functionally, its smaller size means my hand tends to get cramped and sore after an hour of gaming.

I’ve used programmable keyboards for years now, and am very comfortable with the Logitech, Steelseries and Razor software. While the Corsair Gaming software covers everything I would expect, I have not found it as straight forward to use. It was very odd that there was not a default solid-lighting effect, you had to create one. While I like the option of saving the profiles to the keyboard, the way you do this should be more obvious.  The setup of Macros / Assignments wasn’t as nice.  There were also odd colour assignment issues. If I assigned a colour to the predefined key combinations – All keys, Arrow Keys, G-Keys or WASD, and then assigned the same colour to a single key – it would not appear the same. In the photo above you can see All keys were assigned red. The WASD keys were then assigned the same red colour individually – yet were clearly a different colour.

Now despite this all I don’t regret the purchase. (Probably lucky given its price.) There seemed to be few other options. I also know some of my issues relate to my age and I suspect a level of RSI in my hands from 20 years of excessive technology use. I know some might view the macro keys as a gimmick, but when you get the right combinations setup and the finger memory to use them automatically, they can really work well. I’ve used keys besides each other for such things as All Drones Engage, or All Drones Return to Bay. I might move forward and backwards through targets, or have two keys to resize the Probe Scan Size and Refresh the Probe Scan results. Some would also think the keyboard colour adjustment is even more of a gimmick. Some comes down to appearance – being able to match your mouse and keyboard colours for example, but if set up right, I find it useful to have different layouts for different games, with important keys highlighted in a different colour than the rest of the layout.

So all told, you can configure the keyboard in lots of useful ways, but it requires a bit more effort than it should.

An Oops Side-track

I had an hour spare so I logged into the Stratios. I thought with the end of the Serpentis Event that there would be more Explorers about, but that doesn’t seem to have transpired immediately. I am finding plenty of sites and little competition, so I haven’t roamed far and am still in Everyshore.


I start out with coming across a Wormhole to Thera, which I think is the second time I have stumbled across one. I also had an Escalation from an Anomaly, which seems to have been very rare of late. After running that I had just selected to warp out to a gate when I realised I had not recalled my 5 T2 Hammerhead drones. I tried to cancel the warp but it was too late, and without a bookmark I could not get back to them in a now despawned site.

I was able to fit an Expanded Probe Launcher on the Legion so could have just scanned the Drones down, but I was only able to fit the Core Probe Launcher on the Stratios. While still sitting on the outbound gate I spent a few minutes looking at EFT and the regional market. 15 minutes, a dozen jumps, 40M ISK and half my offensive modules offline, I was back in the system with a Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher and a couple T2 Scan Rangefinders fitted and was able to scan down and retrieve my 4M ISK of drones.

I figured I would likely forget drones again, so I will carry the extra probe launcher around with me.

Sometimes it is just little things like that which make the game interesting.

Also – I actually have something positive to say about Citadels! There seem to be lots of them around now so other people are obviously embracing them. I’m not sure if I have mentioned it yet, but I am finding the tethering to be very useful. It is common for my Drones to get armor damage. Now all I need to do is warp to the nearest Citadel, have my ship, cap and drones automatically repaired while I am tethered outside, then continue on my way. The only issue I have found so far is the Drone damage bar indications don’t seem to update to show the repair while you are tethered, but it is done.

The Feels

I flew the Legion over to Everyshore and started my exploration roam in Quier. This was simply because it wasn’t an area I was particularly familiar with.

I had several reasonable length sessions doing all Exploration sites, scanning down all signatures, and visiting all named locations as I crisscrossed the constellations.

It gave me a reasonable feel for the hull.

The Legion cost 775M ISK to setup. At this point in my EVE Career I don’t care too much about ISK reward verse risk ratios and what not, I fly things based on fun. It is not however a cheap option for Hi-Sec exploration.

It doesn’t have a great buffer on it – 25K EHP, which could put you at risk of grievers. I did not however really feel uncomfortable flying it.

The hull felt a little slower than what I would have preferred. The 7 second align time meant it just didn’t feel as snappy as you want when visiting large numbers of systems and sites in a session.

Warp speed at 3au is what you expect of a Cruiser, but I’d consider swapping one of the two tracking rigs for a Hyperspatial Velocity rig instead, if the guns still worked ok against the NPCs.

The 740m/s speed under Afterburner also felt a bit too slow when running Data and Relic sites. I’d go for a Mircowarp drive if the fitting options allowed.

It was still all workable to fly around in, but could have done with some tweaking.

The locking speed with a 560mm sensor resolution was ok, but only just. Only being able to lock 5 targets was also a bit of a limitation.

The Focused Medium Beam setup concentrating on tracking didn’t work out quite right in practice. The Legion I fly for Events does not have drones, so the tracking is boosted up to 0.153 to it hits most things, with a webifier to ensure it.  The Exploration hull’s Beams had tracking of 0.067. It was certainly effective enough against anything but Frigates/Drones under 5km – but I had drones of my own for anything too close. Based on my experience with this and other laser hulls, it would have worked out better to go rigs / a setup for longer optimal range (was 13km with multifrequency crystals with a 7.5km fall off) or higher DPS.

Again the setup was workable as is, but could do with adjustment.

The 300m3 cargo space was limiting. I carried two small secure containers, one for loot, one for spares. You had to be selective on what you picked up. Again, it was workable.

It was nice having a tractor beam. It meant you were able to salvage / check out cans as you cleared sites. The 200m3 drone bay also meant you had plenty of choices about what you carried. I had no issue with scanning times, or running the analyzers, or Cap, or tank.

So – again, workable, but with room to tweak.

But – as you can probably tell by my tone, I am not flying the ship any more. The T3 hull simply locks you out of too many combat sites.  (Possibly all of them I would guess, as I did not scan down a normal combat dead space I could access.)

Taking the lessons learnt (and most of the fit) I’ve replaced the Legion with a Stratios.  I will have to see how that pans out.

No horizons

Once I stopped doing the Serpentis Event I was still feeling inclined to do some long distance exploration based roaming. The basic idea is to open the Dotlan map and set off to Hi-Sec areas I haven’t spent much time in, visiting exploration and marked sites as I go without returning home.

I spent a couple of sessions in EFT trying to decide on what Ship I would fly. As you would expect I wanted one that basically could do it all without needing to change fit. It needed to scan, be able to fit both Data and Relic analyzers, do reasonable DPS against all NPC types and have a bit of a tank. I was also leaning towards lasers for their low volume requirement for ammo, and quick reloads / changes on the fly. That all limited the choices.

I started out by checking those new(ish) joint Data and Relic analyzers. I figured they might open up a few new ship types to try, but they were very expensive and the stats did not impress. In the end I looked at more than a dozen hulls before concentrating on the Confessor, Stratios and Legion. The Confessor is a little too easy to gank if I end up carrying large values of loot, so I discounted it in the end, and the Legion worked out stronger than the Stratios is most areas, particularly as I did not need it to be able to cloak.

[Legion, Roam v1]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Corpum C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corpum B-Type Medium Armor Repairer

Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
Relic Analyzer II
Data Analyzer II
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script

Small Tractor Beam II
Salvager II
Focused Medium Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency M
Focused Medium Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency M
Focused Medium Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency M
Focused Medium Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency M
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher, Sisters Core Scanner Probe

Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Energy Metastasis Adjuster II
Medium Energy Metastasis Adjuster II

Legion Defensive – Nanobot Injector
Legion Electronics – Emergent Locus Analyzer
Legion Engineering – Augmented Capacitor Reservoir
Legion Offensive – Drone Synthesis Projector
Legion Propulsion – Fuel Catalyst

Hobgoblin II x5

On paper it looks ok – but EFT statistics do not always give a clear indication of what a ship is like to fly. Tracking was one of the things I am going to have to get a feel for undocked. So far it seems to be able to hit destroyers and up fairly reliably, with Frigates ok out past 10km. Closer to that I can just use drones. I might be able to swap one or two of the tracking rigs out to see the impact it has.  Time to test.