Out with the old – Someone else can do it

In a couple hours CCP will be shutting down EVElopedia at https://wiki.eveonline.com/.


They didn’t give much notice.

While the Wiki was out of date, Google searches often landed me at the site when I was looking for EVE answers. I found it useful.

In a move that I find odd, CPP now recommend using third party wikis, specifically at EVE University ( http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page ) and Brave Newbies ( https://wiki.braveineve.com/ ). They are entrusting a very important player resource to third parties.

The static data served by EVElopedia is still available via CREST – but unless you dabble in programming and have some spare time, you are again going to have to rely on a third party to access it.

I’m not sure that is entirely the right approach to take.

I did want to grab some data from the wiki – such as information on COSMOS sites.

CCP is allowing you to download a SQL dump of the wiki. I grabbed that on Saturday, installed MySQL, and imported it ok. While the table structure is relatively simple, the data you want to access / search is in BLOBs. I decided extracting the data in a useful format would take much more time than I was willing to put into it.

I then figured I would just cut and paste the pages of particular interest, and dump them into my EVE OneNote file. It turned out there were more pages of interest than I expected, and I spent more time doing this than I am willing to admit.

Finally I wondered why I didn’t just look at some of the myriad of tools that allow you to download websites to read offline. A quick Google search and I installed the first open source software returned (HTTrack). A couple quick tests, and I then managed to grab copies of the Anomalies, Data, Relic, DED, Exploration, Escalations and Gas sites, and all the Mission pages.  All told there would be well over 1,000 pages.  If I made mistakes or missed something, I won’t have time to go back and grab them again.  While I will now use one of the third party wiki’s, at least I have a local repository to work off.  Interestingly going through this process flagged a ton of content I have never run, and will have to look into.

Second CSM X Summit Notes

The meeting notes from the second summit in Iceland for CSM X are available.


Like recent summit notes, these are timely and contain plenty of interesting bits of information.

It seemed to have a somewhat antsy vibe at the start and a problematic session or two between the CSM and CCP, but overall it read as more positive as it went along.

I also noticed an “expansion” tone in CCP’s conversations. They seemed less dynamic – they were all busy with their time already scheduled and booked out, so they couldn’t really respond to much outside of the Expansion. It was one of CCP’s faults in the past – where they would concentration so much on each new expansion that they dropped the ball on fixing issues with previous expansions. It will be interesting to see if CCP can balance the different mindsets of monthly against expansion releases moving forward.

Some of the things that stood out for me:

Page 3 – CSM raised concerns about what the road map would look like after Citadels. Personally I am hoping CCP are just waiting for Fanfast to wow us, but I fear not.

Page 4 – CCP Seagull commented that she believes the game ecosystem was not healthy at this stage (I assume particularly talking about Null Sec)

Page 8 – CCP thinks if you disable the dynamic field of view and the speed center offset, the new camera operates similar to the old. For my situation, that view is very inaccurate.

Page Unknown – I had a note that CCP said it was not tenable to keep the old camera alongside the new. I don’t think I am a particularly dramatic person, but I’m not sure I could keep playing if my only choice was the new camera as is. It saps my enjoyment when undocking.

Page 20 – New Drone miners were mentioned for the Rorqual, along with the idea of an invulnerability button to protect it and its fleet – locking them in place but giving time for a defence fleet to get there to help. A sort of notion that laughs at solo players.

Page 20 – There will be NPC Capitals in future designed to be attacked by player Capital Ships.

Page 22 – We can expect redesigned Heron, Griffin, Executioner, Vigil and Mining Barge hulls at some point

Page 27 – CCP do want to review / iterate on jump range and fatigue – although this might be moving space where needed as they did for FW instead of changing ship stats.

Page 34 – T3 are high on the list for rebalancing after Capitals.

Page 35 – CCP are considering an Industrial Command Destroyer – like a mini Orca for Mining / Expedition Frigates. If you could use that to support deep / long range exploration ships, that there would possibly be the most exciting bit of information in the entire document for me.

Page 39 – In reference to Citadels, possibly only in wormholes, it seems like they will allow you to store more than one clone, letting you swap between them without getting a jump timer. That is something I’ve wanted for a long time. You will lose them though if the related module is offlined, or the Citadel is destroyed. That could be very expensive. I’m also not sure how you would move them in and out – I assume only 1 at a time with the jump timer, meaning you wouldn’t want to leave too many clones in any one Citadel.

Page 55 plus – more information on Citadels. They want to increase taxes in NPC stations, to make it cheaper to use markets in Citadels. Not a fan of being forced to use something in a sandpit game. They would like it to take a week to unanchor – then allow it to be scooped by anyone. That means as a solo player once I plant a Citadel, I won’t ever unanchor it. I didn’t think there would be a valid reason for me to use Citadels in my game – and I am even stronger in that view now.

Page 72 plus – CCP still haven’t got their New Player Experience right. One of their new ideas is a medal system that new players can be awarded as they achieve key training objectives. I actually think that is a good idea.

Anyway – there was plenty more. I obviously just concentrated on things that might impact my own game style – which I guess were a little light on.

NPC Null V Low Sec for the Solo Carebear

I like to have some sort of base outside of Hi-Sec with a couple Jump Clones and a collection of suitable ships that I can visit when I want to. I enjoy the challenge of staying alive in that sort of harsher environment, and being able to experience the different content available there.

Historically that location would be in Low-Sec. In recent years however I have struggled to find a Low Sec area that was quiet enough to allow me to regularly undock and mine, rat or run exploration sites. Between Faction Warfare, changes to Exploration, the movement of large groups from Null to Low, and the rise of large organised pirate alliances, even out of the way Low-Sec systems are much busier than they used to be.


Recently I’ve operated out of a NPC Null Sec constellation instead. While it requires patience, I do have the place to myself at times and I am able to undock and “get things done” on a semi regular basis. Having been there for a while now I’ve decided overall, NPC Null Sec is actually a rather poorer cousin to Low Sec.

. Generally, it seems like there are less stations
. Generally, it is a fair bit more difficult to access Hi-Sec
. The market tends to be poorer
. There are a lot less anomalies
. There are a lot less wormholes
. There are less exploration combat sites
. While content can be more rewarding, it can take noticeably longer to run
. You can access similar mining options in Low Sec through Anomalies
. There are no tag rats
. You have to contend with bubbles and bombs (not much of an issue)
. In Low Sec other Carebears tend to be less likely to attack you due to security loss

The positives – aside being more quiet, include that Pirates seem to hunt you for much longer and more persistently in Low Sec, and there is a lot less competition for on overview resources in NPC Null Sec.

Shifting focuses

From birth, our first child cried a lot and would not sleep more than 45 minutes at a time. We took on board all the advice and instruction available and tried everything we were meant to, but every 45 minutes he would wake with a cry. After a ruinous amount of time, and with our peers casting judgmental looks upon our parenting skills, my wife gave up and moved into the nursey to allow our baby to sleep next to her. She would go to bed early with him, and every 45 minutes when he stirred she would pop his dummy back in, sooth him, and they would both go back to sleep. With a couple of breast feeds required overnight, the initial routine logically fell to my wife – but before long my son would accept no one else in that role.

This left me with long and free evenings. It was at this time that I started playing EVE. In the early days I could get lost in my sessions, trying to earn ISK, train skills, and experience the seemingly endless possibilities the game offered. I flew with the real life friends who had introduced me to the game, and I even spent a couple months in Catch with IAC, although it turned out it was too early in my career. (I wasn’t able to earn enough ISK through lack of appropriate equipment, skill, and the ever present Outbreak.)

When my son was around 16 months and still not walking, an instructor at one of the classes he attended suggested we take him to a Baby Chiropractor. We asked around and were sternly advised against it, but after hearing some personal testimonials we gave it a go. The chiropractor said our Son’s neck was out – probably from the natural birth, causing him constant pain. When his sleep cycle moved into a lighter phase at around 45 minutes the pain would wake him. On the night of his first manipulation our son slept for 3 or 4 hours straight, and within a day or two he was walking. After a second manipulation the chiropractor said the issue had been fixed.

The damage however had been done. Our son would not sleep without his mother next to him, and my wife, after 16 months of stress and literally never getting a proper night’s sleep, was no longer the same person. Her ability to cope and how she reacted to adversity were changed, and still are, for the worse.

While I saw my wife more often now during the evenings, she still had to sleep in the nursery, so I still had plenty of time for EVE. I was ready for my second attempt at Null Sec, and I moved out to Providence where I focused on training for official fits and 0.0 Industry.

When my wife was pregnant with our second child my free uninterrupted time diminished. Aside helping more around the house, I was kept particularly busy weening our son off his need to be constantly attached to his mother. My EVE time suffered, and I had to leave Providence and return to Hi-Sec. I focused on Carebear activities and perfecting my skill in them.

After our daughter was born and as the routine looked to be getting better I went back to Providence. I lasted until AAA kicked CVA and its Holders out of the region, but with renewed demands on my time at home I moved back to Hi-Sec instead of following the Alliance to new grounds.

Our daughter had no problems with sleeping, but she had a fiery temper which turned into huge tantrums from about the age of one. Since then, almost six years now, we have been dealing with her atrocious behaviour. It permutates all aspects of our lives, and while I find it wearisome and difficult to manage, my wife doesn’t cope particularly well with it.

I tried to get back into the real EVE – I really liked the drama, intrigue and teamwork of Null Sec, and joined a low fuss Corp with a base out in Syndicate. I hated however that I was always being interrupted by real life and could not be relied upon, so after a few months I decided I would just have to admit defeat and play a solo hermit game, where I wouldn’t have to let anybody down.

For quite a while I would play to build up my self-sufficiency, or to collect things such as BPO, or to achieve small technical goals – like trying out new functionality, or fly some new hull, or to maximise my skills in a certain area. Sometimes I would play for the back story or just to explore. Sometimes I played from habit.

I’ve been thinking of late about why I am still playing EVE after so many years. One answer was obvious – it continues to give me an accessible and reliable downtime and a break from the trials and tribulations I have at home. I don’t want to overstate these – life could be so much more difficult and extreme, but EVE has given me an escape and allowed me time to recharge my batteries. It is selfish but needed me time.

Another answer is apparent if you have read this blog for long enough. It has given me the opportunity to reflect on how and why I behave the way I do – to social situations, to conflict, to change, to politics, to trolling, and improve on them.

The third answer however surprised me. One of my long running underlying focuses has been to avoid non-consensual ship loss. Looking at my combat history on my main, in over nine years I have lost two ships to PVE, five to consensual fleet PVP, and two to consensual solo PVP. (Consensual meaning I was in a combat ship and not avoiding a fight.)

You could read that as I never undock, or that I am one of the horrid risk-averse players. But I’ve spent years living in Low and Null-Sec (including currently), spent plenty of time visiting wormholes, had multiple POS and POCO anchored over the years, and fly gankable ships and haul gankable cargoes in Hi-Sec. It turns out – just like someone who loves to log in to PVP, I get a surprising level of enjoyment in undocking and facing the challenge of keeping my hull safe.

It has been interesting how much my EVE life has been intertwined and directly influenced by my real life, and how it serves more of a purpose than just a game.

Where are the wormholes

There was a EVE meeting in Nottingham this weekend. There were a couple photos from CCP’s presentations on my twitter feed which were interesting.



The first shows the new Carrier fighter controls, which appears to include modules you can toggle on and off for each flight.



The second are changes to Watch Lists. Unless both parties have each other watch-listed, you will not be notified when another player logs in or out. That makes me a little sad as I tend to use Watch-Lists all the time to monitor local pirates, but in all honesty the change makes sense. I can see how it makes EVE safer and more dangerous at the same time.

(Should be interesting to see if anyone I watch-list is watching me..)

Otherwise I had an usually productive day in Null.

It started with scanning down the constellation for Wormholes – but unfortunately not finding any. I branched further afield, but also had no luck.

I then set out to collect three hulls that I had picked up off contract, spread around the place and including a mining barge and a battleship. I managed to get all three back to my home constellation without incident, including moving the battleship from a staging system of a well-known PVP alliance.

I then set about clearing the Data and Relic sites I’d come across while looking for wormholes. There were pilots online and moving about during the process. I’m normally very cautious, but the pilots were from an Alliance I have flagged as Neutral, and from observation, view as unlikely to hunt me unless I make myself a particularly obvious target.

Finally, when that was all done I figured I would do some mining. I then realised my newly collected barge lacked suitable crystals, and I couldn’t buy any off the market. Another day maybe.

Another successful session avoiding in game interactions.

Short reprieve

CCP Turtlepower posted to the New Camera feedback thread indicating the old camera will remain for an extra month as they work through a sizable task list.


We won’t see what this work will include until their March Release. Holding off updates worries me some – CCP have been well off the mark with the new camera, and I would prefer seeing regular iterations that they can get feedback on.

I’ve wondered why some people seem happy with the new camera – it is so jarring to me. Reading through the thread it is possible some of the issues I have relate to the large resolution of my client windows and mouse CPI setting. Both are configured to work well with dual 4K monitors, but might not suit the formulas CCP is using for the camera acceleration, zooming etc. Or I might not know what I am talking about, and am just inclined to complain more than most players.

Almost weathertight

I revisited the Citadel Prototype construction site in Anjedin after the patch notes suggested the sites had been updated.


I was glad to see CCP did this. I imagine it would have “wasted” a bit of the art departments time creating it, but I think it was worth it. It was interesting flying around it, getting a feel for its size and look.


I hadn’t thought about it before, but anchoring one of those for yourself might give you a bigger gut reaction than a POS does.

One of the excuses CCP has used on updating the in-game camera was that the old one would not work properly with the sizes of the Citadels. It seemed to work fine for me on initial viewing.  (Too snarky?)

The new camera worries me. CCP have been responding to concerns – you can now toggle tracking using [SHIFT][C], and you can D-Scan by using [V]{clicking on an object}, which improves its usability. However – it doesn’t change the fundamental issue – it just looks and feels wrong.

I put some video together to show the difference between tracking with the old camera and tracking with the new. It is not a direct comparison as the new camera includes off horizon objects and is zoomed in closer to the ship, but it metaphorically shows how I feel between the old (smooth and consistent) and the new (jarring and all over the place).



For me part of the game is about its visuals, and when those are messed up for you, the game is messed up.

I suspect however I might be in the minority with my complaints. The feedback thread on the EVE Forums has gone relatively quiet, which I expect CCP will take as approval to switch. Maybe if you don’t use tracking / d-scan much, and zoom out, it doesn’t bother you. I do encourage you to give constructive feedback – either negatively or positively, here:


I got a warning yesterday from EVEMon that my main account was about to expire – so I added 12 months to my subscription. That will take me past the 10-year mark. I was then going to unsubscribe last night – just to ensure the account would not automatically renew next year.  That is a logical move – I need to carefully consider my options at that point in time.  However – while my rational mind will probably win in the long run, last night my heart wasn’t ready to take that first tiny step.


I undocked the other day in my Loki to find someone hadn’t put it together properly.


It was a graphic bug introduced in the February release, and fixed shortly after.

I missed the fact my blog turned 5 years old in January. I can probably be excused for the oversight; my daughter was undoubtedly throwing a tantrum or seven on that day. I have made 766 posts and uploaded some 530 odd images so far. I’m not sure from a Geek perspective if that is commendable or lame. I do acknowledge that this blog has helped keep me in the right frame of mind to be able to continue playing EVE for so long.

I’d be surprised if I was still blogging about EVE in 5 years. I am still certainly enjoying the game, but I know there is a subconscious element of hanging out for my 10-year anniversary in September. I’ll probably have to reassess what I am playing for at that time.

(I hope my wife isn’t in that frame of mind about our 20-year wedding anniversary coming up later this year.)

Another thing that had a birthday (strange I even noticed) was my Alliance, which turned 3 years old. I’ve never had a random person remark on its name – or that of my Corp for that matter. The invisibility cloak of the Solo Carebear.

Plus 2.0

The in-game Upwell Consortium Citadel competition has been run and won.


I sent in some research components on two of my character, so I presume since they reached the 5 tier goals that those pilots will get some Upwell-branded apparel at some point in the future. If I had of thought that through I probably should have sent in some components across all of my characters.

I still like these sorts of events and am glad CCP is continuing with them.

At the bottom of the winner’s announcement was encouragement for Capsuleers to visit the prototype construction sites. I thought that maybe they had been changed so I headed over to Anjedin.


Nope – still the same.

We also got a look at what the Caldari Force Auxiliary hull – the Minokawa, might look like in a Dev Blog.


(Image from the DEV blog)


It is a touch unusual, but is not out of place. While I had purchased the skill books and started training for them, from a solo point of view it is highly unlikely I would ever fly one. In what seems a very unusual move CCP will be removing the just released Force Auxiliary skill books and reimbursing the purchase price and skill points trained. The Force Auxiliaries will instead use a renamed Carrier skill – as will the Carriers. I haven’t read the forums for the background on this, but given the very different role of the ship as compared to Carriers, I’m surprised at CCP’s quick change of heart. It seems to make sense having separate skills.

There is a lot of Capital related information in the Dev blog, and it is worth a close read. For example, they will be introducing Capital Ancillary Shield Boosters and Armor repairers, and Capital sized Cap Booster Charges. It will be interesting to see how they balance that.

It also covers some of the new modules – such as small, medium, large and capital Remote Ancillary Shield boosters and Armor repairers. While not something I would use – I expect they will find a niche. There’s an odd Capital Emergency Hull Energizer which can be used instead of a Damage control. It sets hull resists to 99% – but only for 20 seconds before it then burns out. You might save yourself from a Doomsday if you time it just right, but otherwise I can’t see many using that. There’s a link to the Heavy Stasis Grappler module – which will be usable on Battleships or Capitals, and are high strength very short range webs. Last they reference scriptable Capital Armor and Shield Hardeners. Maybe this is a part Olive branch for the removal of refitting while under a weapons flag? There would have to be a sweetener for using this over the current hardeners, unless you are forced to.

Last there is a spiel about that refitting nerf. This bit I found a little odd. CCP feels it is important for players to make a commitment to their decisions. Being able to refit in space removes an enormous amount of this commitment. They feel refitting through the use of a Depot, Nestor, Carrier etc is a game design flaw.

I hope this is only in reference to refitting while in combat – and not a wider held view. I have assumed it is because the nerf only relates to when you have an active weapons flag. As a solo pilot who does a lot of exploration, including long ranged, I need to maximise the flexibility of my hulls and their fits, and being able to refit out of a station is rather important.

There have been lots of recent Dev Blogs and Forum posts – often with surprising bits and pieces in them.  I am viewing them with a mix of interest and despair.  (The later for the requirement to yet again refit many of my ships.)

(Oh, in case it wasn’t apparent, the title is in reference to me getting my 2 Bil ISK back at some point for my skill book purchases.)

2.2 or 4.4

I did some 0.0 ratting the other day, just because. It is a more interesting task in 0.0 when you don’t have intel channels or friends nearby. I always shoot my wrecks as I go, so as not to make it overly obvious what I am up to. The re-balancing of the wreck hit points makes that process a little more expensive.

I then jumped back to Hi-Sec to put the new camera through its paces. I had tried doing that in 0.0, but I managed to de-cloak myself a couple of times or approach or lock objects I hadn’t intended to.

I spent a couple of hours trying out all the camera options and sliders – attempting to get it to work like the old camera. There were keyboard shortcuts that improved its use – but many of those were not listed on the HUD icons, so you had to go find out about them yourself. In the end I was able to configure it into a substandard version of the old camera which I might, with annoyance, be able to put up with. That’s not much of an endorsement.

It is not intuitive; the zoom needs to be much more linear, you should be able to zoom in as close as the old Camera did without having to use the ALT key, when you set your angle and zoom distance on an object it should stay there, and not swing, float, offset itself or go into follow mode or whatever else it decides to do; there really should be a HUD icon to turn on tracking like the old camera, instead of having to select an icon or hold down C when you select an object, and the transition from viewing one object to another needs to be better if you miss-click in space – instead of a jarring crash back to your own ship.

Sometimes your ship will pass by an object and you will get this glorious cinematic view that you literally think wow. More often it won’t stay or work like you want it to, and causes miss-clicks and frustrations.

It was a bit horrifying to see CCP will be removing the old camera in around a month. Unless they make major inroads in the new camera, that day will be – for me, a downgrade of the game.


While in Hi-Sec I spent 2.2B ISK yesterday on the new skill books available on the market. I had forgotten how expensive Capital related skills were. It will take well over a month to get them all to Rank 4. I should get my main Alt back to Hi-Sec and get him to train those as well. That would be 4.4B ISK gone.

Still just keeping myself amused..

A camera not so flash

I am about to head to bed, but I thought I would try the new Camera Controls updated with the latest release.

I’ve tested them before, and while they had some gimmicky value, I did not find them as smooth or as efficient as the original ones.

CCP has now turned them on by default (although they give you a choice to opt-out).  I figured I’d give them another go.

Excuse the French, but what the fuck.

The old camera was consistent and – well, reliable.  The new camera zooms and swoops and settles on objects in a theatrical way that frankly feels unnecessary.

The way it offsets itself on your ship is odd – you can’t do a quick visual alignment for D-Scanning.

The way you track objects now is – frankly, shithouse.  The original camera you just turned on tracking and then selected objects in the overview.  Want to track a new object – just select it in the overview and you would swing around to it.  It was quick and easy to D-Scan a series of moons, belts and what not.  Now it seems you have to select the object in the overview, then select the track icon in the selected item panel.  Want to track something new?  Select it in the overview and then again click on the track icon in the item panel.  Why require this double step now?  It is a step backwards.

If I read it correctly, tracking now won’t follow a warping object.  I’ll have to test it – but if it works as it reads, it takes more functionality out of the camera settings.

I’ll have to re-read the Dev blogs, I assume I must be missing things.  That will have to wait until I go back to Hi-Sec, as I de-cloaked myself twice in 0.0 space with hostiles around trying to put the new camera through its paces.

I’ve Opted out for now – although annoyingly the tracking isn’t working at all with the old camera.  I presume / hope that should be fixed by a restart of the client.

As you might be able to tell from my unusual language, I’m finding the situation a little aggravating.  Maybe it is just me – and people prefer this new change.

The Waiters

I finished collecting the carrier fit into the one location. Between moving the old fits, picking up new items from all over the place (thanks to eve-central) and extra caution on the values I hauled, it took an inordinate amount of time. It was a sort of engaging process, but hard to explain to a non-eve player. It certainly wouldn’t make for a good EVE game trailer.

I am going to have to wait for a fortuitous Wormhole chain to get it all down into my NPC 0.0 Home. Probably more than one. That could take quite a while.

Again there were active Gankers on the trade route to and around Jita. I don’t normally see them as consistently as I have over the last week. It makes me wonder if it is an organised / concerted effort. However, I haven’t flown much over the last month or so – so maybe this is the new norm.

Feeling somewhat productive when that task was complete, I jumped down to 0.0. I searched the entire constellation for travel routes back to Hi-Sec, but only found the one wormhole to a C5 which I did not explore further. There seem to be a lot less wormhole connections in Null-Sec than I usually find in High-Sec.

I am finding the NPC 0.0 area busier than when I first moved in. Initially I had the place almost to myself, but after a while I kept seeing regular pilots from one Alliance turning up during my morning sessions. I knew from their behaviour and killboard that they were happy to target Explorers, so I have to be cautious around them. Cautious means waiting for them to move on or log off.

More recently pilots from a different alliance have started turning up during my evening sessions. Again I know from observation that some of them camp Exploration sites, so again I find myself regularly waiting.

Yesterday’s session was particularly unsatisfying – I was logged in for many hours across the day, but ended up with minimal opportunities to interact with stuff in space while I waited, and waited, for cloaked pilots to dock or move on or log off. At one point I was sitting cloaked 200km off a Data site for so long that it disappeared from my scanner list then the cans all exploded.

I guess I could have risked running sites regardless, but I knew they had them scanned and bookmarked, and I am just not inclined to give away my kill mails so freely. It is however the negative of playing a solo Carebear game in 0.0. If you want to operate out of a system with a station, it isn’t just a case of logging in and doing something when you want. You have to wait for your opportunities.

I could just leave my Main Alt there, and use them when the opportunity exists, but otherwise stay in Hi-Sec with my Main. It makes sense – that Alt has 171M SP and like my main, is a perfect skilled Explorer. I’m not sure if it is just me though, but I never really use any of my Alts except in direct support of my Main.

I did try to collect some of my market and contract purchases. Unfortunately, three systems out and in pipe I had no choice but to travel through I stumbled across a couple dozen Goons. That put a stop to that idea. I’ll have to wait and try again. There is lots of waiting in 0.0…

A new Ore Mining Drone

Here’s the image of that Mining Drone I mentioned yesterday. I was too busy (maybe lazy) to link to it.


The original link:


The early comments in Facebook and Instagram that I read were hopeful this might be a capital sized drone for the Rorqual. We will have to wait and see. I like the idea, but I can’t see me (a solo player) sitting in a belt with one in Low or Null Sec.

I was back to hauling Capital fittings today. I only have one, maybe two loads to go to centralise it all. It might have just been timing, but like yesterday there seemed to be more than the usual number of Gankers patrolling the trade routes. I halved the value of my loads, meaning doubling the number of trips I needed to make.

Left Right Left Right

January was a total bust when it came to undocking in EVE. I was constantly on edge, listening out for the beginnings of my daughter’s next meltdown – needing to be able to immediately try and interject. The irony of finishing my job, yet finding myself working harder than ever was not lost on me.

Then school went back and it was like someone flicked a switch in her head. Her behaviour went from extreme back to its normal difficult. The Paediatrician who coordinates the various services we use for our daughter (at ridiculous cost) was not surprised. It is apparently common behaviour for her high functioning clients in the autism spectrum. They find comfort in the clear and consistent routine that school gives them, and act up worse when outside of it. At least we have some ideas for next holidays.

My wife and I are still rather rattled, but I’ve finally been able to cautiously start enjoying my unemployment. With the help of YouTube, I’ve been tackling some of the home maintenance items on my To-Do list, such as repairing the drywall my daughter has damaged. I have also been able to undock in EVE.

I feel a little precarious in my NPC Null Sec home. I can log in and have the place to myself for an hour, or I can find one of the local Corps active and not able to do much. The location is still good, but as I mentioned previously I do need to be able to relocate everything at short notice if the situation changes. For that I need a Carrier (until Capitals are reworked anyway). I had two of those, but they were on the other side of the map. I spent some time mulling over how to get one or both of them into the area. The distance however was just too far, with too many dangerous bottlenecks to try and get through.

I thought about trying to build my own carrier, and purchased an Archon BPC set towards that goal. In reality however I’d likely have to move out many times before that hull became a reality.

In the end I stripped my old Archon and Thanatos and put them up for sale. In a process that required far too many Star Gate traversals, I hauled their old fits out of Low-Sec and back to my Hi-Sec home. After watching for a while I was able to purchase a new Archon hull that lies within one Cyno jump of my NPC home.

Next I spent a long time in EFT and looking at Killboards, making some notable changes to my normal Archon fit. Given I fly solo, if I am caught a strong active tank will just delay the inevitable. No one will be coming to rescue me. I’ve now gone for a bigger buffer and some tools to try and shake off initial tackle. I’ve purchased everything I was missing for the new fit, and am almost done collecting it in one place in Hi-Sec. Again this required a lot of travelling.

The next phase will be trying to get 50,000m3 plus of gear to the location of the hull (in a busy and hostile system), and then move the hull across to my NPC Null home all without losing anything. I’m not sure yet on how I am going to manage that. A long wait for a suitable wormhole I suspect.

Here’s the new fit I will probably go with:

[Archon, Transport v2]
Capital Armor Repairer I
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
True Sansha Capacitor Power Relay
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Damage Control II

Shadow Serpentis Warp Disruptor
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Dark Blood Cap Recharger

Drone Control Unit I
True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer
True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Shadow Serpentis Large Plasma Smartbomb
Large EMP Smartbomb II

Capital Transverse Bulkhead I
Capital Transverse Bulkhead I
Capital Transverse Bulkhead I

I’ve also added another new ornament to my hanger – a Bhaalgorn that I will probably never use in anger. For no good reason, I’ve always wanted one. Given the price of the hull is now well under 400M, I didn’t go overboard with the fit.


On the way home from Jita

I’ve kept my Rorqual while waiting for news from CCP about what changes they are going to make to it. They posted a teaser image to their Instagram page recently of what might be a capital mining drone. I expect that is what the Rorqual will end up being – an in-belt booster / mining platform. I can’t imagine a situation where I would do that as a solo player, but I’ll hold off selling the hull until its direction is confirmed.

Today I even flew the Victorieux Luxury Yacht for the first time in an age.

It has been good just getting out and about, well – in EVE. That of course requires not getting out of about as much in real life.  That has been nice too.