
After a process which wasn’t as automated or smooth as it should have been, I’m now running Windows 10 on my Desktop and Laptop. It has promise but doesn’t feel complete, and is surprisingly buggy. I haven’t had any issues so far running the EVE client.

I’ve just about had enough of The Forge. It is too busy for my hermit inclinations. I’m not sure if I am going to try Lonetrek instead, or move to Minmatar COSMOS space.  I have noticed that given the number of explorers in the area clearing sites, I might start working on 3 anomalies in one backwater system, but end up running 5 or 6 as new sites spawn regularly.  Even so, it is taking me much longer to amass 100 sites in The Forge as compared to Everyshore.

For all the pilots in the area, no one seems to chat. If you take out spam and what goes on between war targets, there seems to be much less banter in local. Generally the only thing I see on occasion is some frustration based insult thrown towards a player with a new flashing suspect tag. Are people less inclined now to draw attention to themselves?  Are people still dropping 100K bounties on anyone they seem talking in local?  That used to be the flavour of the month.  Maybe it still is.


Sugar Kyle referenced my purchase of the Asteo Sanctuary Skin on her blog. I actually had no idea how much it cost on the market. I purchased the Astero/Stratios/Nestor pack from the NES store, which was on sale at 34% off. The cost of 3,895 AUR came out of the free ones that were still sitting on my Alt’s account. They had been sitting there for an age.  I am still feeling inclined to buy a Nestor – not because I have any valid reason for it, but just because I love the look.

(Oh, happy Sys Admin day – which should be valid for those in the Euro and US zones.  I know a couple readers are in the field.  Apparently it has been running for 16 years now. I didn’t know it existed until it popped up on my Facebook feed today.)

Man down

I dislocated the little finger on my right hand yesterday playing Aussie rules football with my son. I first dislocated that finger in a friendly football match while at University, more than 20 years ago. Since then the finger hasn’t quite moved in sync with the rest of the hand, and I’ve dislocated it more than a dozen times since – playing basketball, washing the car, just catching it on something as I walk past.

I pulled it back into place (a somewhat unpleasant task), iced it, and will leave it strapped for a week or three until it feels stronger. Having it strapped is – as always, playing havoc with my touch typing. More noticeably this time it is also impacting my EVE sessions. Running your EVE client at 4K resolution means you have to be extra precise with your mouse input, and I am now constantly miss-clicking. I am also catching my fingers on the mouse as I go to move my hand to the keyboard, sending it flying.

I’m sure I have your heartfelt sympathy.

My dalliance with the Guristas Pirates is hampered by the injury, but continues. I managed a solid 45 minute exploration session, only running into one other explorer. The incoming DPS is more noticeable with this faction – I hit half armor a number of times in a certain site before I can kill off enough destroyers. The Confessor still chews though these sites very quickly, with some cursory examples during later sites suggesting I could do some twice as fast as some of the cruiser sized competition.



Running a Relic, or was it a Data site?

Unfortunately that earlier exploration session was an aberration. Since then there has been heavy competition for sites. While I have found other pilots to be surprisingly courteous so far – warping out of sites you have started, getting to a site first can be very problematic. I’ve had 40 minute sessions where I did not find a single system without at least one other pilot actively doing exploration; with even up to half a dozen pilots sometimes. I am going to have to work out the quiet times, but so far it hasn’t been particularly enjoyable.

To keep myself amused during the busier times I’ve run some Cosmos missions. I can’t really afford to mess up my Gallente or Minmatar standings any further, so I am contemplating moving to one of their Cosmos constellations and run those for a while in conjunction with exploration. I’ll need to shuffle my ships around in the Orca though.

Live Fire

There was a live event in game recently which was well reported here


And here


On initial view it seemed more sedate than the usual live event fare, but it might have been more world shaking than it first appeared. One of the actors used an Entosis link on a Titan. While it might just be poetic license, could you imagine the impact if this became a game mechanic? Using an Entosis link to gather intel, or control some small aspect of a ship? Turn off a hardener, slow a repairer, shutdown a propulsion mode, eject a pilot from his Titan? (That last one was just a troll.) Some disturbing ideas there.

Edit – another view, this one CCP linked to on their Facebook account


Snakes along the shore

I’ve completed my 100 Serpentis anomalies and signatures, packed the Orca caravan and moved out of Everyshore.


A rest stop mid trip

In the end from the 100 sites I had 5 Hi-Sec escalations, 2 Low-Sec escalations (not run), 7 Anomaly Faction spawns, and about 100M ISK in total from loot and bounties. (Yes, only 10M ISK gained from the last 20 sites.)

I took a short break today to fly back to my home system to ingest a Ship Skin. While there I noticed a Covert Research Facility site was in the system. I took 5 minutes to run it, earning 25M ISK. That is just the way exploration works out some times.


The new skin

I left most of my collected loot in a GSC. I’ll return to pick it up in a Transport ship later. While the value wasn’t a gank risk, someone scanning my cargo might not have realised how worthless the collection of faction mods was. Such precautions can be advisable in EVE – as I was reminded when I flew through Uedama which was being hammered by Goonswam Catalyst pilots today.

The Confessor proved itself more than a match for the Hi-Sec Serpentis, now to spend some time with the Guristas. (Another faction I have had little to do with.) It is already apparent it might take me much longer to find 100 uncontested sites to run.

Obstacles to death

I was lowering my IQ earlier today reading the Eve Online forums when I noticed a question from Cpt Buckshot.

“So why can missiles fly through asteroids”

What an interesting idea if structures in space provided cover from weapons fire? Keep it simple, ignore other players and most objects, but allow you to use asteroids or stations to hide behind or fly around to mitigate damage.

I don’t imagine it would be easy to do, but you already collide with such objects in space so the client is aware of them.

It probably makes it easier for people to escape death, so might not be liked from that point of view. You would want to allow EW to bend around the objects, but lasers and projectiles are blocked in line of sight, and missiles would be blocked depending on their spread / trajectory. It does make drones more powerful though.

Anyway, probably lots of holes in the idea, but it stood out to me.

That will do it

A follow up on my son’s hacked Roblox account.

In response to my support email, Roblox sent a list of 8 common ways players lose access to their account. I watched my son’s face and listened to the tone of his voice as I read through them. I got a definite “Ohh” when covering in game phishing. Apparently it is common for compromised games to be scripted to pop up a pretend login dialog, or to offer surveys with free Robux rewards. I could imagine he might have been swayed by something like that.

Roblox offers a once only manual review of an account and an attempt to recover stolen assets. Given the loss was minimal, I declined. It was worth the price of entry for the lesson it – hopefully – provided my son.

The support I got from Roblox was admirably quick. It was however overly scripted, and I had to repeat a number of my questions over and over, such as how best to clear the compromised games the hacker had created on the account.



I’m up to about 80 sites run in Serpentis space, triggering 5 hi-sec escalations, 2 low-sec escalations (not run), and 4 anomaly faction spawn. Total income has been a fairly paltry 90M ISK. As I said though, the loot gods have not been kind.

The Confessor has been brilliant, and is quite a fun little zerg ship.  It would be my favourite combat orientated high sec exploration hull.  The probe sensor strength of 75 has been enough to scan down all signatures but one so far (a particular relic site). I have noticed however that with a proper scanning ship I can normally down size my probes in steps of 2 or 3 during the scanning process, but with this confessor even a step down of 2 size grades can throw me off the trail.

As I have remarked, there seems to be constant competition for sites in the area I am operating, no matter what time of day I play. Some of that competition is, well unusual. One of the pilots I see regularly runs anomalies in a Kronos. Yes I am sure of it – I’ve warped in on him several times now over a number of sessions. Another uses a Raven. Yesterday I came across a Blackbird, although I have flown one of those before in PVE for the fun of it.

I’ll try to run another 20 odd sites before moving on to try the Confessor against a different faction.

2026 days

I lost my first ship on my Main in 2,026 days **. Not to another player – but to NPCs.

I had known what I was doing was risky, and the loss of my ship was probable, but I was in an experimenting sort of mood.

As I warped away in my pod, then salvaged my wreck, then headed off to Jita to replace the ship, I can’t say I felt particularly liberated by my actions. More slightly bemused, slightly annoyed.

I ran a Lesser Serpentis Covert Research Facility, or ghost site, in my Astero. I had the opportunity to warp away, but deliberately hung around to check how my fit handled the damage output. It didn’t.

I tanked the Secure Depot explosion ok. It did 1,773 points of damage, which was a little higher than expected given my main tank – armor, had 70% explosive resists. It was not however high enough to get into hull. What I had not expected was the high damage output from the sites Serpentis Cruiser Guardians. After the Can exploded I was hit with several wrecking blows of 200-300+ points of damage each. I only had enough time to overheat my armor repairer and zoom out my overview so as to try and pick a better transversal before it was all over.

The frigate had an EHP of 9.1K. If I had flown a little better and had a little more luck on the wrecking hits, I might have been ok. “Might have been ok” however isn’t a viable fit.

The hull and faction fittings cost just shy of 300M ISK. The salvage was about 12M ISK. That was an expensive experiment.

So my next move?

I have a new fit to try. Next time I try the site I will swap out the expensive faction modules and go for a dual armor and shield buffer tank. I know you are not meant to, but this is for this specific site. The new version has 14.2K EHP. Its loss should also only be around 100M ISK.  Should be worth a try.


** Checking across my Alts, I have two cyno ship loses (at 1,011 and 1,897 days ago), and one loss from NPC’s (at 577 days ago – although this was part of the new player experience and you had no choice but to die).  I don’t really count those as proper losses.


Out of control

My son and daughter both play Roblox. It is a sort of easy development framework that allows people to build multiplayer games, which they can share with other players. It caters for both kids and adults.

I only allow my 6 year old daughter to play as a guest. My son has an account, but has strict rules on friend requests and chatting.

While we were sleeping this morning someone accessed his account, and the following occurred:

. His password was reset
. His birthdate was changed to make him older
. The account email was changed, although this did not stick
. Any active games he had created were inactivated
. A new game was created
. 50 random people were sent messages from his account, inviting them to the new game
. Advertising for the new game was created and paid for
. A small level of resource trading was done

A couple hours later when I woke up I noticed the Roblox account warning emails, and was able to force another password change. After gaining access to the account I ensured all other session logins were invalidated, and set about reversing everything I could. I then sent a message to Roblox, and to my complete surprised had responses within a couple of hours.

I am not sure how his account was hacked / exploited. In this case his most recent password had only been used for the last 10 days. I expect he has played some compromised game – like whatever was created on his account. He might also have been tricked into clicking on a link or something in one of the game chats. He assured me he didn’t, but the reason the password had been changed recently was I had locked him out of the game for a month after catching him chatting. (While he was only trying to help someone, the rule is he isn’t allowed to unless my wife or I are watching.)

(The virus scan on his laptop was also clear. I can’t imagine anyone would directly hack / compromise his laptop over a game like that, but checked anyway.)

The whole thing has taken a couple hours out of my day and was drama I could do without. It was a reminder though on just how easy this sort of thing can happen.

One of my RL friends clicked on a link in EVE (it was in a series of joke images), and within 24 hours had lost access to his account, had everything sold off, and the ISK transferred away. He removed the key logger which had been installed on his desktop, got the account back after a week or so of emails to support, and got part of his wealth returned. It was the beginning of the end though. He lost that level of trust needed to invest in EVE, knowing how easy it was to have it stolen from him. He now no longer plays.

This sort of account hacking causes all sorts of hurt.


Chump Change

I’m not sure how many Serpentis anomaly sites I’ve run fishing for Faction spawns – near on 40 at a guess. I finally got my first Shadow Serpentis – although the drop, including T2 salvage, was only worth 600K ISK.



The same site also triggered an Escalation – the 4th for those 40 odd anomalies. Each Escalation (Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses from memory) has been 9 jumps away, which is a bit of a hike there and back. I ran three of them, the fourth was in Low Sec and I did not think to use a cheaper clone on this investigation. It probably goes without saying, but none of the escalations dropped much in ISK value.

I haven’t run enough sites to know, but on this initial limited set of data the income from Serpentis sites has been noticeable lower than for Sansha. If that is accurate, I don’t know why there is as much competition for exploration sites as there is here.

I’m quite comfortable the Confessor can handle anything thrown at it by these empire Serpentis sites without any change of fit or tactics. I’ll keep running sites for a while longer just to get a better idea on what can drop.

I probably shouldn’t admit this – but I do occasionally salvage my anomaly wrecks for the bigger sites. It is not for the ISK, as the real earner there is to maximise the number of Faction Spawns and Escalations you get. For me it is just a short change of scenery, plus I find the process of efficiently salvaging to be kind of peaceful – like mining. I also find – as I have remarked on many times before, these small little collections add up over time.

Here was the salvage from one site:



*Edit – these posts are a little behind what is happening in game.  I’ve had another escalation into Low Sec within the next 10 anomalies I’ve run – this was a DED 5 of 10 which I did not have a suitable ship handy to run.  I would need to be using a cheaper clone and carry a Gila or Stratios in the Orca for that.


EVE is undergoing one of its longer outages for quite a while.

I’m intrigued about what is actually going on.

You would think logically that if a code change was causing the cluster instability that they should be able to identify what code was being patched, and reverse / rollback those particular units of work.

Was it an OS / Database / Firmware patch instead?

Did the patch in question do database updates which trashed physical data? That is a more painful scenario to recover from.

Are they actually working on investigating, fixing or reversing an exploit? That has happened before.

The armchair expert conjecture is keeping me amused.

(Are any of the EVE gambling sites taking bets, or do they all require the game to be up and running so that they can collect your ISK?)


I think I’ve mentioned it, but I’ve been going through a long decluttering process at home. Once a week I check how much space is left in the bins before they go out for collection, and then I fill them with stuff from around the house that we don’t really need.

There are inherent dangers with this process – primarily if the wife or kids realise I have thrown something away that they really wanted to keep. So far however it has generally been ok on that front. We have, I suspect like many people, accumulated a huge collection of “stuff” that does nothing but get in the way.

While there are physical benefits from this process – such as a house that is neater and easier to keep clean, the largest positives are more mental in nature. I notice the kids – with less choice of toys and extra space available, seem to play more with their (remaining) toys. My wife remarks that it makes the house feel more relaxed. I personally find it cathartic – a more orderly house helps me feel more mentally sorted.

I’ve been going through a similar process in EVE. My hangers have always been stocked with more spare ships and equipment than I logically need. Most of it is there for choice and contingencies. So many choices that I can struggle to make a timely decision over which one to follow, and so many contingencies that only a faction ever get used. This huge collection of “stuff” has also required a somewhat toxic upkeep – to adjust for the games more frequent rule and balance changes.

I’ve probably been on this path in EVE for literally years, in a two steps forward, one step backwards kind of way. My recent travels with the Orca have reinforced just how important it is to keep making this effort. In my Orca are two Exploration hulls, a Salvager, two Mining hulls and a shuttle. In the last few weeks I’ve used all of them except the Mining frigate. Like my kids, in a decluttered environment I am finding it easier to see what I have, and make better use of it.

That Mining Frigate better find a use soon, else it might also be sold off…

A black background

I’ve been acclimatising to the new overview icons, and generally like them.  (Particularly after the wreck changes.)  My main problem recently has been differentiating players in amongst wrecks, asteroids and what not. I’ve taken to flagging pilots with no standing and neutral standing with (after some trial and error) a black background.


That’s an improvement – it makes them stand out if I pay attention in sites or belts, but otherwise blend in so I can continue to ignore them at undock / gates and the like.

I’m now trying to update the background appearance so it is very clear when I can attack another player or not in Empire. That’s one you don’t want to get wrong.

New old tricks


I had another good undocked EVE session on the weekend, with another poor showing for the effort. So far the Serpentis drops do not seem to favor me.

I finished the session off with an hour of anomaly mining in a Retriever. There was another miner in the same site using a Skiff. After a while he deployed a Mobile Tractor Unit then dumped his ore into a can. The tractor Unit immediately picked up the can.

I guess that is a step up from Jet Can Mining. Anyone can come along and take items out of your Jet Can. With a Mobile Tractor Unit they have to attack it, and then see what survives in the drop afterwards.

That would give the owner of the tractor unit a (very) short period of time to either take what they can from the Unit, or (unwisely if mining) retaliate given the attacker is flagged as a suspect.

My only concern is the cost of the unit equates to 30+ minutes of Empire Mining, meaning you might well double the cost whenever someone tries to grief you.

I guess this might be a common tactic that has been around for a while. I just don’t mine that often and haven’t noticed it before.


I’ve read the Dev blogs and the views of various bloggers about the Null Sec changes. I haven’t remarked on them as – frankly, I don’t have a clue as to what the overall long term impact will be.

I suspect one key factor will come down to what exploits players find, and how quickly CCP is able to mitigate the damage.

Another will be how willing the general Null Sec player is to adapting to them.  I presume it will be like most changes – there are vocal people yelling and screaming, while the quiet majority just get on with it.

I enjoyed watching this guide video on using a Claw Entosis troll ceptor.


I can see it generating fights, I can see it being annoying, I can also see lesser Interceptor pilots not being quite so successful.


Look back through the many years I’ve been playing EVE, my favourite solo style of game play was when I was roaming nomadically, living out of Orca’s.

I used to be able to carry around a collection of bling fitted ships, spares, and weeks of collected loot in an Orca with relative safety. That came to an abrupt end when CCP changed the cargo scan and then drop mechanics. All bays in your ship could now be scanned, with the contents having a chance of dropping when you were killed.

My mobile homes became an unacceptable gank risk, so I sadly sold most of them off and gave up on that style of play.

Encouraged in part by Sir Livingston’s example I recently decided that I would test the Confessor out against other NPC factions, and not just the Sansha that live around my home base.

With the Confessor turning out to be such a good all round ship for Hi-Sec Exploration – and being relatively cheap, it has opened the possibility of living out of an Orca again.

My standard travel Orca is fit has 414K EHP and allows me to do the 10 second MWD cycle warp trick, or the MWD + Cloak trick if I feel the need.

(Thanks Raziel Walker for the suggested fitting change, I hadn’t taken into account the Compact option available now)

[Orca, Roam]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II

500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
EM Ward Field II

Small Tractor Beam II
Salvager II
Improved Cloaking Device II

Large Transverse Bulkhead II
Large Transverse Bulkhead II
Large Transverse Bulkhead II


So I decided to do my Confessor experiments using a roaming Orca. Into the Ship Maintenance bay went the T3 Destroyer, a Salvaging Destroyer, Prospect, Retriever, Astero, and a Malediction that I use as a shuttle. The total hull prices are under 170M ISK, and even with fittings, the value of all of them is less than my Stratios.


I am now in Serpentis space, where I am finding the Confessor’s 112km targeting range in Sharpshooter mode readily handles the NPC EW dampening. I haven’t had much luck with drops as yet however, so it hasn’t been a profitable move so far.

I confess

My main distraction in EVE at the moment is (still) Hi-Sec exploration (with the occasional run into Low-Sec for certain escalations). Primarily I am clearing anomalies looking for Faction Spawn or Escalations, and scanning down Combat sites for Faction drops. It fits in well with my short and unreliable play schedule.

There is a lot of competition for these sites, so while I don’t like the min/max/zerg approach to gaming, it pays to find and clear each site swiftly.

Ideally you want a ship that:

. Is agile and warps quickly between systems
. Can use probes to scan down sites
. Isn’t impacted by any gate hull restrictions
. Can tank all sites
. Can lock small targets quickly
. Can one or two volley most of the small NPC’s you will face
. Has some flexibility to mitigate the NPC EW
. Has reasonable cargo space
. Doesn’t require frequent Ammo restocking
. Can salvage the Faction Wrecks
. Doesn’t need to refit to do all this

It is a long list – yet the Confessor does it all. While I am not particularly enamoured by its appearance, I have become a big fan of flying it. It recently triggered a Sugar style consolidation of the ships in my hanger, with my exploration Retribution, Phantasm and Worm all being repackaged, ready to be sold.

My current fit hasn’t changed much since I last posted it:

[Confessor, Explore]
Internal Force Field Array I
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Coreli C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating

Coreli A-Type 1MN Afterburner
Cap Recharger II
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script

Sisters Core Probe Launcher, Sisters Core Scanner Probe
Salvager II
Small Focused Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
Small Focused Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
Small Focused Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
Small Focused Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S

Small Capacitor Control Circuit II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II

I generally fly in Sharp Shooter mode. With a scan resolution of 812 it locks most things within 3 seconds, and is able to hold a respectable 7 targets in total. I spit the turrets into two grouped pairs. It does 425dps out to 20km with Imperial Navy Multifrequency, and 246dps out to 60km with Aurora Crystals. It clears the lower end sites very quickly without the delays of drones or missiles.

My fit it is cap stable with fairly omni tank of 105dps, increasing to 158dps in Defence mode. I haven’t had issues tanking up to 4 out of 10 DED sites, although you have to pay attention to your position and speed in some.

Last of all I use the Propulsion mode to close on gates, containers or wrecks when the field has been cleared.

As I have said before, this “profession” in EVE tends to be a hit and miss on ISK pay outs, particularly if (like me) you don’t follow all the escalations (too far or into busy low sec systems).  I earnt less than 10M ISK for the last hour I’ve played today (very busy and already cleared systems) – but I earnt 120M ISK for 30 minutes work a couple of days back.  It is part of the charm of the activity.  The Confessor don’t guarantee a big pay day, but it makes the exploration process more enjoyable.

Opening a book

It is school holidays here, and my wife and I both managed to wrangle some leave from work and spent 4 nights away with the kids. For the first time we went to one of those family type resorts, with various onsite entertainment options to augment the local tourist attractions. While there something entirely unexpected happened – I managed to read a book.

The book in question was EVE – Templar One. It had been sitting on my bookcase for the last three years waiting for me to have some spare time. Yep – it has taken that long.

I know if you want to be a literary snob, there are plenty of faults with the book. I also suspect a generic science fiction fan would get much less out of it than someone who plays EVE or Dust. With that said, I personally really enjoyed it.

No – enjoyed is probably the wrong word. There were just so many disturbingly dark aspects to the story that it wasn’t something that gave me happiness to read. But it was – if a little bit too disjointed on occasion, fascinating.

I grew up on a diet of science fiction books. A common theme across many was of a future world where tyrannical governments unjustly controlled the populace. Fast forward more than 20 years, and I see disturbing parallels in how our world currently operates. Oppressive surveillance, corruption, unchained capitalism, fanaticism, compromised media, a meek general population – mimicking the first steps towards aspects of those dark futures.

Templar One ramps that whole theme up 20 or 30 notches.

The book portrays the often sinister and immoral manipulations of those in power in EVE, their inherent weakness of character, and the most intimate acts of needless evil through to the grandest scale of lives lost. But the bleakest aspect of the book for me is just how powerless the New Eden citizen is, and how completely inconsequential the value placed on their life.

I have at times thought that maybe the biographers of EVE try unnecessarily hard at depicting this. I can find it difficult to justify the gratuitous gruesomeness of many of the stores I have read. This book however reminded me of the context those stories are told within. The world of EVE has one particular and prevailing influence that we don’t have in real life. It is the availability of immortality. I know that is obvious, but in a combative environment where the most powerful have little to fear from death, it is easy to imagine how far they could stray from our current moral compass. It explains EVE.

Now I’m not suggesting the book is particularly cerebral – nor me for that matter, but I found it gave me an excuse to ponder the game and its lore.

Without trying to put out spoilers (on a three year old book), here are a few additional reasons for why it is worth a read for players:

. It tells you what the Sleepers are.

. It gives two plausible explanations for what the Drifters might be.

. It gives you an overview of what Empress Jamyl Sarum is and how she became it. It gives the technological explanation to the mysticism around her, and makes it apparent how she acquired the weapon used to defeat the Elders invasion.

. It highlights just how dysfunctional the racial Factions and Concord are, and to my mind gives more credence to CCP’s direction of Capsuleers wanting to reach for complete autonomy from them.

. It suggests in part the mindset of Concord, right or wrong, in trying to balance the arms and technological race

. It of course outlines the initial lore behind Dust. I haven’t follow the development of that lore over the last 3 years, but my god I hope they are obtaining the core of their jump cloning technology from a different source than outlined in the book. That was abhorrent in so many ways.

I expect we won’t see any more books like these from CCP, which is disappointing. The staff have changed or moved on, and CCP seem more focused on telling the stories of the players instead. There were plenty of loose ends I would have liked to have seen wrapped up in later books.

Jamyl Sarum visited her father on his (apparently imminent) death bed at the age of 15, yet she was 18 when the church bells tolled to announce his death. Did it really take that long?

What part did those drugs play in Lord Falek Grange being able to control Jamyl?

The sleeper population (I remember a comment on there being trillions, although flipping back through the book later I only noticed references to billions) doesn’t really make sense. Given their background and how they lived their lives, wouldn’t the number have been much lower?

Wouldn’t the body of Templar Nine in the Armor Hanger have been extremely valuable?

What did Eagle One find on the ledge above where the THANATOS gunship was being salvaged? Was it just the snake carcass or something more interesting that I missed in the book?

As you can see – I did get a lot of EVE related value out of the book.

Now I think I might go and move one of my clones into my Rorqual – just for roleplaying sake. I’ve mentioned it before, but I would really like CCP to give us more control over our clones in future – even for us solo players. We really can’t trust the Empires.