
I built myself a new PC and am now going through the process of setting up all the software I require.

I printed out a list of everything installed on my old PC and am carefully considering for each one if I really need it or not.

One of the applications which did not make the cut was RSSOWL. That is the RSS reader I used to keep track of EVE content on blogger. I had not used it for some years.

Of the 20 blogs in the download list, only 2 or 3 were active, and even then, only sporadically. More than a dozen pilots I followed had simply stopped posting. I think only one had a final, neat post. The rest just sort of petered out and then – nothing.

I wonder if they were thinking they might at some point return to the game.

I followed a few other blogs in RSSOWL. One was still active, but his recent posts were confronting. He had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and had decided given the nature of it, the quality of his remaining life would be best met with hospice support than medical intervention.

I realised I felt an unexpected level of sadness. Even grief. I thought it might have triggered something in relation to the passing of my sister last year, which I have been somewhat detached about. I guess however when you have read hundreds of – effectively letters, from someone, you can build a type of meaningful (if mostly one way) connection.

4 thoughts on “Change

  1. That build is on my wish list 🙂

    My December post will be the last for a while and this time I am actually thinking of killing it off for good… I guess some bloggers reappear after a break, but many that I have followed over the last 18 years have just faded into obscurity.

  2. I had a great time building my own PC and it still what I use as my main PC and gaming PC. It was built with gaming in mind first. The case for it is a CaseLabs custom case, so it will last me the rest of my lifetime in being able to upgrade it. So just great when you can build your own and have done fun doing it.

    I don’t know how many people who have blogged for some good amount of time exactly think their last post was their last. I agree in that many people do take breaks and those breaks end up being a very long time and they never get back to blog posting for many reasons at that point. I surely never thought mine was my last. Life just has a way of getting in the way in returning as well, your very much out of the practice of blogging. At that point and it’s difficult to get back into that groove once you’ve been out of it a long while. Outside of playing Valheim and FF14 I’ve not found a compelling game that I’ve been drawn into since and worth writing about.

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