The Nature of it

There has been some drama in EVE that has reached the gaming websites again.

I noticed it mentioned on Facebook initially. Wilhelm Arcturus has blogged about it and provided a useful list of links:

In short summary, The Judge – a senior leader in the CO2 Alliance, has performed possibly the biggest theft so far in EVE history, misappropriating funds and selling or turning over alliance assets to their enemies. The leader of CO2 apparently threatened real life retribution, and has been permanently banned from the game by CCP. Meanwhile CO2’s enemies are falling with glee upon the wounded, possibly dead Alliance, ensuring misery for as many of its line members as possible.

With some references to deserving some reward for all his hard work with the Alliance, there are no explanations, excuses or justifications that The Judge can now provide that will paint this as truly altruistic. It is just another case of someone finding the price they are willing to hand there integrity over for.

I am not saying it was wrong or right. EVE is a game. I just find this sort of thing confronting.

Half of me cheers the drama and amazing possibility that the game EVE offers up.

The other half reflects somewhat sadly on the nature of us humans.

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